Baby Boomers are changing the concept of senior living, including where and how they choose to live out their pre- and post-retirement years. Real estate developers are responding to the needs of this population segment with tailored, amenity-filled high-rises, condos, and townhouses. We recognized this trend early on and launched our exclusive program, SeniorLiving Pro, in response.
As a Lloyd’s of London cover holder, IPOA exclusively provides property and general liability solutions.
Underwriting/Program Features:
Underwriting/Program Features:
- Property and General Liability solutions
- Capacity up to $40 million per location
- All states
- Assault & battery and sexual abuse coverage
- Liability offered on occurrence form
- Umbrella limit up to $25 million
- Commercial Property: $10,000 minimum premium
- Commercial Liability: $5,000 minimum premium
Senior Living Program Extensions:
Senior Living Program Extensions:
- Broad property coverages
- Limited flood and earthquake
- Includes coverage for additional services offered by insured and for LRO exposures
IPOA’s brokerage division provides you with access to markets for senior living property insurance solutions that fall outside of our exclusive programs. This allows you to look to one resource to place and write accounts in specific niche markets. It also eliminates having to shop around with multiple wholesalers, which may hinder your access to specific markets.
Commercial Property – Brokerage Capabilities:
Commercial Property – Brokerage Capabilities:
- All states
- Coastal senior living facilities
- All construction classes
- $15,000 minimum premium (non-CAT)
- $25,000 minimum premium (coastal locations tier 1 & 2)
Commercial Liability – Brokerage Capabilities:
Commercial Liability – Brokerage Capabilities:
- All states
- Rated on units
- Not-for-profit and for-profit both acceptable